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Apakah yang terjadi dengan Integrated Operations Control System GARUDA?


Posted on : 6:49 AM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Menarik sekali topik yang dibahas, yaitu kegagalan Garuda menerapakan Sistem Informasi yang canggih yang dinamakan:
Integrated Operation Control System (IOCS). Berikut ini contoh iklan dari Lufthansa tentang IOCC (Control Center) yang sama dengan IOCS itu, sbb:

"Today, it’s not enough to be aware of market conditions, financials and the competition.
You must be able to make the right decisions, right away.
Lufthansa Systems’ IOCC Platform gives you the business process integration that puts you squarely in the pilot's seat…at the controls… and in control.
It drives the essential efficiencies and economies throughout your airline’s operations.
From short-term schedule management, operations control, and crew management to flight planning and weight & balance, the IOCC Platform is suitable to increase operational and economical benefits unattainable with any standalone system."

Jadi fokus keunggulan yang akan diperoleh adalah integrasi sistem control Garuda yg akan menghasilkan efisiensi operasi dan biaya operasional perusahaan.

Dalam membuat keputusan investasi CAPEX TI ini biasanya dilakukan melalui sebuah Komite yang anggotanya terdiri dari para excecutives bisnis maupun MIS Department/CIO. Apakah proses IT Good Governance ini sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik?

Pertanyaan lain, apakah Garuda sedang melakukan Business Process Improvement (BPI) ataukah Business Process Reengineering (BPR)?

Kalau ada perubahan Proses Bisnis, tentu hal ini harus diselaraskan dengan dengan Visi, Misi, Objectives serta Strategi Perusahaan. Dengan perubahan ini, maka diperlukan pula perubahan organisasi Garuda yg sesuai dengan proses bisnis yg baru ini.

Juga perlu ada kejelasan, apakah dilakukan perubahan drastis organisasi (BPR), ataukan perubahan secara bertahap (BPI)? Bila Proyek IOCS Garuda itu dilakukan dalam kurun waktu singkat, maka ini termasuk BPR, dan bila dalam waktu panjang dan bertahap, maka ini termasuk BPI. Adakah yg tahu, berapa lama proses transisi IOCS Garuda itu dilaksanakan?

Apakah sudah ada sosialisasi yg intensif dengan para stakeholders di Garuda, terutama para executives-nya dan karyawannya?

Kalau ada kawan2 yg bersedia memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan2 diatas itu, akan sangat baik untuk dijadikan dokumentasi tentang kegagalan implementasi Sistem Informasi yang bisa dijadikan bahan pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa Business Schools di Indonesia maupun di LN.

Kasus serupa juga pernah terjadi di perusahaan penerbangan JetBlue dari AS tahun 2007 saat terjadinya topan es yang melanda Pantai Timur AS pada tahun 2007 yang lalu, dimana ada 1000 jadwal penerbangan harus dibatalkan dalam kurun waktu 5-hari. Ribuan penumpang terlantar di JFK Airport, New York saat itu. Ini bisa terjadi karena Sistem Informasi (Reservation System) yang dipakai terbatas kemampuannya/kapasitasnya, sehingga saat ada peak demand, sistem itu collapse.

Apakah yang sebenarnya terjadi di IOCS Garuda beberapa hari yang lalu? Apakah sekarang sudah dapat melakukan recovery?

Silahkan ditanggapi dan diberikan masukan yang positif agar kita dapat belajar dari pengalaman ini.

Laporan tentang Aktivitas Cina untuk melaksanakan Cyber War


Posted on : 6:56 PM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

sAn annual report to Congress touched off a round of speculation Wednesday about the motives of a small Chinese Internet service provider that briefly rerouted as much as 15 percent of the world’s Web traffic on two occasions last spring.

The report, by the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, noted that the service provider, IDC China Telecommunication, broadcast inaccurate Web traffic routes for about 18 minutes on April 8. That information was then retransmitted by China’s state-owned China Telecommunications, effectively forcing data from the United States and other countries to pass through Chinese computer servers. A similar episode in March drew less attention.

The report said the move affected data traveling over both the government and military networks of the United States, including information from the Senate, the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, the secretary of defense’s office, NASA, the Department of Commerce and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as from many American companies.

The incidents, which were widely reported when they occurred, were never explained, although Chinese engineering managers said that the routing errors were accidental.

The commission said it had no evidence that the misdirection was intentional. “Evidence related to this incident does not clearly indicate whether it was perpetrated intentionally and, if so, to what ends,” it said in the report. “However, computer security researchers have noted that the capability could enable severe malicious activities.” The 12-member commission was established in 2000 to submit an annual report to Congress on the national security implications of the United States’ economic relationship with China.

American computer network engineers who met with Chinese technicians visiting the United States at the time said they did not believe that the Chinese had given them a full description of what had happened.

While sensitive data such as e-mails and commercial transactions are generally encrypted before being transmitted, the Chinese government holds a copy of an encryption master key, and there was speculation that China might have used it to break the encryption on some of the misdirected Internet traffic.

There was also speculation that the rerouting might have been a test of a cyberweapon that could be used to disrupt the Internet during a crisis or a war.

There has been no evidence presented to support either theory, and Chinese technical experts rejected the suggestion that the routing changes were intentional.

“The Web information flow is controlled by the U.S., while China just holds a branch line of the global traffic,” Lu Benfu, director of the Internet Development Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said on the Web site of Global Times, a state-run newspaper. “So this kind of accusation is technically unfeasible.”(sumber: The New York Times)

Bukti bahwa Virus Stuxnet khusus untuk serang Reaktor Nuklir Iran


Posted on : 5:24 PM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Berikut ini adalah artikel tentang kepastian bahwa Virus Stuxnet yang menyerang perankat Cetrifuge di Reaktor Nuklir Iran memang didedikasikan untuk itu....

Experts dissecting the computer worm suspected of being aimed at Iran’s nuclear program have determined that it was precisely calibrated in a way that could send nuclear centrifuges wildly out of control.

Their conclusion, while not definitive, begins to clear some of the fog around the Stuxnet worm, a malicious program detected earlier this year on computers, primarily in Iran but also India, Indonesia and other countries.

The paternity of the worm is still in dispute, but in recent weeks officials from Israel have broken into wide smiles when asked whether Israel was behind the attack, or knew who was. American officials have suggested it originated abroad.

The new forensic work narrows the range of targets and deciphers the worm’s plan of attack. Computer analysts say Stuxnet does its damage by making quick changes in the rotational speed of motors, shifting them rapidly up and down.

Changing the speed “sabotages the normal operation of the industrial control process,” Eric Chien, a researcher at the computer security company Symantec, wrote in a blog post.

Those fluctuations, nuclear analysts said in response to the report, are a recipe for disaster among the thousands of centrifuges spinning in Iran to enrich uranium, which can fuel reactors or bombs. Rapid changes can cause them to blow apart. Reports issued by international inspectors reveal that Iran has experienced many problems keeping its centrifuges running, with hundreds removed from active service since summer 2009.

“We don’t see direct confirmation” that the attack was meant to slow Iran’s nuclear work, David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, a private group in Washington that tracks nuclear proliferation, said in an interview Thursday. “But it sure is a plausible interpretation of the available facts.”

Intelligence officials have said they believe that a series of covert programs are responsible for at least some of that decline. So when Iran reported earlier this year that it was battling the Stuxnet worm, many experts immediately suspected that it was a state-sponsored cyberattack.

Until last week, analysts had said only that Stuxnet was designed to infect certain kinds of Siemens equipment used in a wide variety of industrial sites around the world.

But a study released Friday by Mr. Chien, Nicolas Falliere and Liam O. Murchu at Symantec, concluded that the program’s real target was to take over frequency converters, a type of power supply that changes its output frequency to control the speed of a motor.

The worm’s code was found to attack converters made by two companies, Fararo Paya in Iran and Vacon in Finland. A separate study conducted by the Department of Homeland Security confirmed that finding, a senior government official said in an interview on Thursday.

Then, on Wednesday, Mr. Albright and a colleague, Andrea Stricker, released a report saying that when the worm ramped up the frequency of the electrical current supplying the centrifuges, they would spin faster and faster. The worm eventually makes the current hit 1,410 Hertz, or cycles per second — just enough, they reported, to send the centrifuges flying apart.

In a spooky flourish, Mr. Albright said in the interview, the worm ends the attack with a command to restore the current to the perfect operating frequency for the centrifuges — which, by that time, would presumably be destroyed.

“It’s striking how close it is to the standard value,” he said.

The computer analysis, his Wednesday report concluded, “makes a legitimate case that Stuxnet could indeed disrupt or destroy” Iranian centrifuge plants.

The latest evidence does not prove Iran was the target, and there have been no confirmed reports of industrial damage linked to Stuxnet. Converters are used to control a number of different machines, including lathes, saws and turbines, and they can be found in gas pipelines and chemical plants. But converters are also essential for nuclear centrifuges.

On Wednesday, the chief of the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity center in Virginia, Sean McGurk, told a Senate committee that the worm was a “game changer” because of the skill with which it was composed and the care with which it was geared toward attacking specific types of equipment.

Meanwhile, the search for other clues in the Stuxnet program continues — and so do the theories about its origins.

Ralph Langner, a German expert in industrial control systems who has examined the program and who was the first to suggest that the Stuxnet worm may have been aimed at Iran, noted in late September that a file inside the code was named “Myrtus.” That could be read as an allusion to Esther, and he and others speculated it was a reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them.

Writing on his Web site last week, Mr. Langner noted that a number of the data modules inside the program contained the date “Sept. 24, 2001,” clearly long before the program was written. He wrote that he believed the date was a message from the authors of the program, but did not know what it might mean.

Last month, researchers at Symantec also speculated that a string of numbers found in the program — 19790509 — while seeming random, might actually be significant. They speculated that it might refer to May 9, 1979, the day that Jewish-Iranian businessman Habib Elghanian was executed in Iran after being convicted of spying for Israel.

Interpreting what the clues might mean is a fascinating exercise for computer experts and conspiracy theorists, but it could also be a way to mislead investigators.

Indeed, according to one investigator, the creation date of the data modules might instead suggest that the original attack code in Stuxnet was written long before the program was actually distributed.

According to Tom Parker, a computer security specialist at Securicon LLC, a security consulting firm based in Washington, the Stuxnet payload appeared to have been written by a team of highly skilled programmers, while the “dropper” program that delivered the program reflected an amateur level of expertise. He said the fact that Stuxnet was detected and had spread widely in a number of countries was an indicator that it was a failed operation.

“The end target is going to be able to know they were the target, and the attacker won’t be able to use this technique again,” he said.

CYBER WAR dimulai: AS menuduh Cina mengalihkan Traffic Internet selama 18-menit


Pemerintah AS menuduh Pemerintah Cina mengalihkan 15% traffic Internet Global selama 18-menit, dimana dalam waktu yang relatif singkat itu 5000 domain name terpengaruh, dan data-data rahasia dari Pemerintah AS telah berhasil di-akses. Informasi ini disampaikan oleh Kevin Anderson, Technology Journalist dari AS.

Pemerintah Cina balik menuduh Pemerintah AS bahwa AS masih terpengaruh oleh Mentalitas Perang Dingin yang dialaminya di masa kejayaan Pemerintahan Komunis Uni Sovyet tahun 1950-1980-an

Perusahaan Anti-Virus McAfee juga menyatakan bahwa akan makin banyak serangan-serangan di Dunia Maya dalam waktu dekat ini.

Awal tahun ini juga ada berita tentang serangan Cyber ke Reaktor-reaktor Nuklir Iran yang disebabkan adanya celah security dalam perangkat centrifuge pemrosesan Uranium buatan Siemens. Virus komputer yang digunakan untuk menyerang Sistem Reaktor Nuklir Iran itu bernama STUXNET, yang dijuluki "Super Cyber Weapon".

Pada bulan Oktober yang lalu, Arnold Schwarznegger Gubernur California, USA, melakukan kunjungan kerjasama ke Moscow, Rusia, dan hasilnya satu orang tokoh Spammer dunia asal Rusia bersedia menghentikan aktivitasnya. Ini dapat dideteksi dari turunnya Volume eMail Spam sebesar 100 milyar email per hari dari sebelumya yang berjumlah total 300 milyar email Spam per hari.

Minggu depan Secretary of State AS Hillary Clinton akan mengadakan pertemuan dengan Uni Eropa untuk membahas masalah Cyber War ini dan cara-cara pencegahannya. Serangan Cyber ini memang bisa cukup membahayakan existensi suatu negara. Selain dapat mencuri informasi penting dan rahasia dari suatu negara, serangan itu dapat pula merusak atau mematikna sistemsistem komputer nasional, mematikan jaringan listrik nasional, dan lain-lain lagi yang dapat mengakibatkan dampak yang luas.

Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan secara internasional adalah dengan menyusun sebuah Treaty atau Konvensi Cyber Security tingkat internasional oleh PBB.

Sebagai catatan kecil, bahwa sampai saat ini para pemakai komputer dengan Operating System Linux atau Open Source hampir tidak pernah kena serangan virus yang merusak data-data yang tersimpan dalam Komputer. Selain dapat menghemat biaya lisesnsi, memang sistem ini juga sangat aman untuk dipergunakan bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

Silahkan ditanggapi dan semoga bermanfaat.

Samsung Galaxy Tab tidak harus membunuh iPad untuk bisa sukses


Posted on : 2:33 PM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Produk paling populer dari Samsung, yaitu Galaxy Tab tidak perlu mematikan iPad untuk dapat meraih sukses di pasar Smartphone global.

Samsung’s Galaxy Tab landed in stores with a lot of fanfare, and a lot of speculation as to whether this device will be the long anticipated “iPad Killer,” and if it is, to what degree. So having spent time looking at these devices (along with some others) let me say right up front that it’s not an iPad Killer. But that’s kind of like saying that a BMW 328 isn’t a Dodge Minivan killer. In both cases these aren’t the same kind of device; they’re not aimed at the same markets and while they seem similar, they really aren’t.

Because of this, the Galaxy Tab can be successful even if it doesn’t dent the iPad’s sales at all. They’re two different devices, aimed at different types of users. It’s unlikely that someone seriously thinking of buying an iPad will be diverted to the Galaxy Tab. The same thing is true for people seriously considering the Samsung device. In this the situation is somewhat different from what it is in the smartphone world.

When people shop for smartphones there are several factors that matter. They care about the applications that the device runs, of course. But in the case of iOS and Android devices, there are lots of applications for both. They care about the carrier, but it’s unlikely that anyone is buying an iPhone just so they can get AT&T service. With tablets, it’s a different story.

When people are thinking about tablets, applications matter a lot, and those applications have to meet their needs while also functioning usefully in a tablet form factor. Both the Android tablets and the iOS tablets have such applications, although the iPad has a lot more that are designed for that device because it’s been around longer. But people also buy a tablet because they find the device comfortable to use, and they find that it meets their needs in other ways, such as by having a data plan that makes sense. And they choose because they like the form factor.

Setting aside the Android vs. iOS battle for a moment, mainly because it’s not that relevant for anyone but the fanatics on either side, the two devices are about as different as they can be for two lightweight tablets. The Galaxy Tab is relatively small–about the size of an Amazon Kindle. It’s about half the weight of the iPad. It has two cameras, one of which points at the user so they can do video conferencing.

The Apple iPad, on the other hand, has a fairly large screen, it weighs about a pound and a half, and for now it’s camera-free. Both devices can be had with both WiFi and 3G connectivity. But only the iPad has WiFi without 3G. On the other hand, the data plans being offered for the Galaxy Tab have a wider array of options, and some plans can be implemented for very short periods of time for relatively little money.

So if you’re trying to use your tablet as an e-reader, then there’s something to be said about access to brief periods of 3G. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time streaming music or video, they you’re going to need a real data plan regardless of which device you decide you want.

Now, I have to confess that I’ve been looking at these devices lately because I have some international travel planned and carrying a tablet is a lot easier than carrying a briefcase full of books. My experience looking at the Galaxy Tab is that it’s smaller, lighter and the screen is small enough that it’s probably kind of hard to use for reading a book. I also have no idea whether it’s reliable enough to depend on for a long trip, and whether the battery life will really last through a flight and the related time in airports, on trains and the like. I don’t want to find myself two hours from my destination without battery power.

But when I looked at the iPad, its weight was the first thing I noticed. It weighs as much as the books I’m trying not to carry. It seems to have good battery life, however, and you don’t have to use the 3G capability if you don’t want to run up huge bills when abroad. Of course you can turn off the 3G in the Samsung device as well. But if you depend on WiFi, then you’re forced to pay something like 12 Euros a day for WiFi, which is probably worse than paying for 3G.

I also looked at the other tablet-like devices including the Kindle and the Nook. Both of these are better for reading, but they’re not tablets like the Samsung or the Apple devices. So it seems like this market is breaking down into segments that don’t really compete with each other. The Samsung is small, light and equipped with Android so you can get lots of software. Unfortunately, nearly all of the software is designed for phones rather than tablets.

The Apple iPad is larger and heavier, but at least there are a lot of applications designed for that platform. There will be people who like the iPad for what it is and those who like the Samsung Tab. But I don’t think they’re going to be the same people. Then there will be the e-reader buyers who aren’t really looking for a tablet as much as they are looking for a replacement for paper. They’ll go for the Kindle or the Nook which do compete with each other.

Unfortunately, what I’ve found is that I don’t think any of these choices really works for extended travel. Maybe the thing to take for that isn’t a tablet computer. Maybe it’s an Ambien.

Facebook Messages ingin menandingi Gmail dan Yahoo Mail


Posted on : 1:24 PM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

When word of Facebook's new e-mail product, code-named Project Titan, broke Nov. 12, the assumption was that the social network was building some sort of super Webmail product geared to kill Google's Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Windows Live Hotmail. But releasing such "killer" products has not been Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's MO. Rather, he and his team have set forth to augment Facebook with software services that are germane to the network. Everything lives within the context of the walled garden, whose access to the outside world extends to third-party Websites only through carefully federated API connections. Facebook Messages is the messaging product, but rather than running as a stand-alone offering, the service streamlines users' direct messages, SMS texting, e-mail and chat. Users who receive an invite to the beta will receive @fb.com addresses. Messages lacks the subject lines, carbon copies and blind carbon copies of regular e-mail service, but it provides a great deal more messaging efficiency to the social network, whose 500 million-plus users may be tired of fragmented communications. "We don't expect anybody to wake up tomorrow and say, 'OK, I will shut down my Yahoo or Gmail account and switch exclusively to Facebook,'" Zuckerberg said at the launch. Perhaps not so soon, but it is his belief that people will want to move all of their online communication to Facebook where it makes sense. Expect calls via Facebook, similar to what Google did in Gmail with Google Voice. Facebook could use Skype for video calling. The possibilities are many. Meanwhile, here is a brief overview of the launch and the Messages setup.

Ternyata BlackBerry adalah yang terunggul diantara Smartphones


Posted on : 3:08 PM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Apple’s iPhones are the most reliable smartphones in terms of failure rates, according to a new study from SquareTrade, a company that sells electronics warranties.

SquareTrade reportedly conducted the study, which compared the iPhone, Android devices from Motorola and HTC, RIM BlackBerry handsets and “an aggregated pool of all other smartphones” by analyzing data from 50,000 failure reports, in order to help consumers make smart choices.

“A $200 camera that breaks will cost $200 to replace, but an Android phone purchased for a discounted $200 with a new contract could cost $600 to replace if it breaks before the contract is up,” SquareTrade CEO Steve Abernethy, said in a Nov. 9 statement.

What SquareTrade found is that smartphones ain’t what they used to be — thankfully.

“The problems that plague earlier smartphone technologies have been resolved,” states the report. “In fact, iPhone and BlackBerry malfunction rates have dropped over 60 percent in the past two years, and owner accidents, not manufacturer problems, are now the No. 1 reason most smartphones fail.”

According to the report, the iPhone 3GS and BlackBerry handsets had the lowest overall failure rates, with 11.8 percent and 13 percent, respectively, reporting a failure over the first year of use.

“The major Android phone manufacturers and the iPhone 4 all failed at similar rates,” states the report, “with 14.5 percent to 15.9 percent projected to fail over 12 months.” Overall, it continues, the Apple, RIM, Motorola and HTC handsets fared better than the rest, of which 16.9 percent, on average, failed during the first 12 months.

Failure rates, the study continues, are a combination of failures, accidents and normal malfunctions. When it came to malfunctions, Apple led in reliability, followed by Motorola.

“We project fewer than 2.5 percent of iPhone and Motorola owners will report a malfunction in the first 12 months of use, with iPhone 4s leading the pack,” states the report. “HTC came next with a one-year malfunction rate of 3.7 percent, and BlackBerry's 6.3 percent was the highest of the four manufacturers examined. All other smartphones taken together fared the worst, with 6.7 percent reporting a malfunction.”

When it comes to accidents, however, RIM’s BlackBerry prevailed, with a 12-month accident rate of 6.7 percent, compared to 9.4 percent for the iPhone 3GS, 10.2 percent for the “other smartphones” and 12.2 percent each for Motorola and HTC. The iPhone 4, with its front and back glass panes, fared the worst, at 13.8 percent.

From there, SquareTrade broke down the accidents to drops and spills. A coffee slosh is the least threatening, it turns out, to the iPhone 4, followed by, respectively, the iPhone 3GS and, in a tie, the HTC and Motorola handsets. When it came to drops, however, the iPhone 4 proved the most vulnerable by far, with 11.1 percent expected to experience damage from a drop over the course of a year. The iPhone 3GS came in at 6 percent, Motorola at 7 percent, HTC at nearly 9, and BlackBerry—with a score nearly three times better than the iPhone 4’s—came in at 3.9 percent.

“The data seems to suggest that the likelihood of drop damage is directly proportional to the amount of glass on the device,” reports SquareTrade. “With dual-sided glass, the iPhone 4 has twice the fragile surface area of the other smartphones. Both Motorola and HTC, whose most popular phones feature full glass screens, also have higher than average drop damage rates.

The bottom line? Be careful!

“Accidents accounted for 77 percent of all failures in the four manufacturers that we looked at closely, and nearly 90 percent for the iPhone 4,” states the report, adding that cases and screen covers can help the matter.

In some more good news, SquareTrade adds that laptops and netbooks all malfunction with greater frequency than smartphones. Scoring the worst, however, are basic feature phones, which were found to have a one-year malfunction rate of 6.9 percent, compared to 3.9 percent for smartphones and 3.4 percent for digital cameras.

Christianto Wibisono: Era Kapitalisme 4.0 - Tidak Terlalu Liberal maupun Regulated, Ekonomi Jalan Tengah?


Posted on : 10:33 PM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Menarik sekali tulisan Christanto Wibisono di Harian Kompas 8 Nov 2010 tentang sejarah perkembangan Kapitalisme, mulai dari Kapitalisme 1.0 sampai saat ini Kapitalisme 4.0.

Kapitalisme 1.0 didasarkan atas teori Adam Smith tentang pasar bebas murni (laisez faire) yang berlangsung dari tahun 1800-an sampai berakhir dengan kegagalannya, yaitu ambruknya pasar saham Wall Street pada Oktober 1929, dan menimbulkan resesi dunia yang berkepanjangan.

Ideologi Kapitalisme ditentang keras oleh Partai Komunis Uni Sovyet dan RRC yang muncul pada tahun 1917 dengan ideologi Komunisme.

Belajar dari pengalaman sebelumnya, maka dimunculkan Kapitalisme 2.0 sebagai hasil dari kombinasi teori Keynesian (John Maynard Keynes) dan New Deal (Presiden AS Franklin D. Roosevelt). Kapitalisme 2.0 ini bersaing ketat dengan ideologi Komunisme hingga tahun 1970-an, setelah RRC dan Uni Sovyet mau mengadopsi ideologi Kapitalisme 2.0 pada tahun 1979, dan meninggalkan secara bertahap ideologi Komunisme mereka.

Kapitalisme 2.0 dilanjutkan dengan Kapitalisme 3.0 setelah Presiden AS Ronald Reagan dan Perdana Menteri Inggris Margaret Thatcher menerapkan swastanisasi dan liberalisasi sektor finansial. Hasilnya setelah 29-tahun berjalan adalah jatuhnya kembali pasar saham Wallstreet beserta Lehman Brothers pada tahun 2008, setelah 10-tahun sebelumnya meruntuhkan perekonomian Asia Timur termasuk Indonesia. Ini adalah dampak dari Fundamentalisme pasar dengan ekonomi gelembung (Bubble Economy).

Manusia kembali harus belajar dari pengalaman masa lalu, dimana liberalisasi pasar tidak boleh terlalu liberal, dan regulasi tidak boleh terlalu ketat. Ini adalah hasil dari kekalahan Presiden Barack Obama pada tanggal 3 November 2010 yang lalu. Kebijakan Obama yang terlalu pro Ekonomi Kerakyatan harus dirubah untuk juga memberikan ruang bagi liberalisasi pasar yang tidak terlalu liberal. Jadi antara kedua kubu itu harus di-regulasi secara berimbang. Ini akan menjadi ideologi Kapitalisme 4.0 atau Ekonomi Jalan Tengah yang pernah dimunculkan saat Pemilu Presiden R.I. 2009 yang lalu.

Pengalaman Perekonomian Global yang sekarang harus mengadopsi Kapitalisme 4.0 atau Perekonian Jalan Tengah ini juga harus diterapkan dalam regulasi Telematika Indonesia, dimana regulasinya tidak boleh terlalu ketat, tetapi hendaknya agar berimbang, antara peran swasta dan masyarakat dengan peran Pemerintah.

Silahkan ditanggapi.

Kita Semua adalah Wedus Gembel...


Posted on : 9:12 PM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Saya ingin berbagi tulisan yang menarik dari Bre Redana di Kompas Minggu 7 Nov 2010 sbb:

Kalau di dunia teks yang pembacaannya linier saja bisa menghantarkan manusia terpental pada kekosongan, bagaimanakah dengan kebudayaan visual, dunia jejaring yang sifatnya multimessage, pesan dan berita yang sifatnya berlapis-lapis? Dari suatu teknologi yang disebut multimedia? Makin tak jelas mana yang mimpi dan mana yang kenyataan.

Itulah tontonan sehari-hari kita, atau bahkan kehidupan sehari-hari kita. Lewat reality show kita sama-sama dibalut mimpi bahwa hidup bisa berubah seketika. Seseorang dari pinggir jalan tiba-tiba masuk orbit perbintangan yang terang benderang berkilauan. Dari situ ada yang terlempar lagi keluar, melata dipinggir jalan lagi. Yang terakhir ini tak lagi terliput karena sudah bukan menjadi bagian dari impian.

Yang dinikmati oleh orang adalah gebyar. Industri secara sadar merekayasa gebyar. Tanyalah pada mereka yang dekat dengan dunia hiburan. Figuran-figuran cantik yang muncul entah di TV atau film banyak yang harus kos atau tinggal di gang-gang sempit di Jakarta. Ada produser yang melarang mereka makan di warteg pinggir jalan demi menjaga citra. Padahal untuk makan di hotel berbintang, sangat mahal kecuali kalau ada oom-oom yang mengajak.

Terhadap dunia teks yang konon telah mendaratkan manusia pada keniscayaan modernisme termasuk beberapa ekses alienasi, betapapun ummat manusia berhutang taruhlah pada isme semacam nasionalisme. Benedict Anderson menelusuri rasa kekomunitasan yang kemudian menjadi rasa kebangsaan, terbentuk karena teks. Itulah yang bisa kita baca dari Imagined Communities.

Nyatanya, tak ada isme yang begitu kuat, yang mengikat kita, bahkan yang membuat orang rela mati atasnya, kecuali nasionalisme. Banyak makam pahlawan tak dikenal, dengan di bawahnya kita tahu ada yang terbujur mati atas nama nasionalisme. Adakah isme sekuat ini? Adakah makam tak dikenal untuk mereka yang mati karena konsumerisme misalnya?

Kita benar-benar tak tahu atau pura-pura tak tahu mengenai hal itu. Yang jelas, kita membutuhkan figur yang bisa kita pas-paskan untuk menyenangkan diri kita, dari dunia yang tak kita pahami. Dari Nike Ardilla sampai Mbah Surip kita subyo-subyo (puji-puji) dengan mengilusikan hidup mereka sebagai penuh perjuangan. Soalnya, belum ada pusara yang bisa mengganti istilah pahlawan tak dikenal dengan idee lain yang lebih spesifik untuk zaman yang berubah ini. Kita semata-mata butuh tumbal untuk menghidupkan nilai-nilai yang kita anggap ideal.

Sekarang kepecayaan kita kepada sendi-sendi kehidupan yang kita anggap luhur goyah. Kita sama-sama tak percaya bahwa anggota DPR yang studi banding ke Yunani, sepulangnya dari sana akan menjadi Socrates. Sama kurang yankinnya kita kalau semua anggota DPR dikirim ke Harvard, semua akan jadi seperti Dr. Arief Budiman. Yang lebih mungkin mereka pulang dengan mengenakan T-shirt bertuliskan Harvard University.

Di tengah kancah kehidupan seperti ini gunung Merapi meletus. Mbah Maridjan, orang desa yang lugu yang dikultuskan media, tewas terpanggang awan panas. Sejak beberapa waktu terakhir, dia berusaha menghindari orang, apalagi media massa. Ia telah teralienasi, mungkin seperti yang di-ekpresikan oleh Satre dalam Huis Clos: orang lain adalah neraka.

Yang mengepung Mbah Maridjan waktu itu jangan-jangan bukan hanya awan panas yang disebutnya wedus gembel. Wedus gembel itu adalah kita semua.....

Itulah sekilas gambaran kehidupan yang kita hadapi sehari-hari, Silahkan ditanggapi dan semoga bermanfaat.