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Email Spam ternyata ada Organisasinya. Indonesia perlu membuat aturan Anti Spam


Posted on : 3:35 PM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Berapa seringnyakah anda menerima email Spam yang sangat menggangu, seperti iklan jualan obat Viagra, software-software bajakan murah, malahan akhir-akhir ini ada email Spam yang made in Indonesia oleh seseorang yang mengaku bernama Retno Ningsih dengan alamat email retno_ningsih68@yahoo.com yang isinya adalah gambar-gambar porno yang sangat menjengkelkan bagi penerimanya. Khusus untuk email dari Mbak Retno ini, dikirim ke sekitar 100 mailing list 10 kali setiap hari pada jam-jam tertentu. Mengapa Mbak Retno ini iseng banget untuk kirim email-email prono ini, saya belum menemukan alasannya.

Ternyata selama ini email Spam itu memang ada organisasinya yang mengelola, yang bersumber di negara-negara Eropa Timur, seperti Rusia, Romania, Bulgaria, dll, sebab peraturan di negeri itu sangat longgar bagi organisasi yang mengirim email-email iklan ini untuk promosi produk-produk tertentu.

Kalau di Australia sudah ada Regulasi bagi organisasi resmi pengirim iklan2 email ini, dan bila tergolong sebagai Spam, maka mereka akan mendapat penalty berupa denda yang nilainya sampai jutaan Dollar. Sebaliknya di Negara-negara Eropa Timur dan negara-negara tertentu seperti Indonesia, belum ada aturan yang dapat menghukum para penyebar email Spam yang menjengkelkan itu.

Ternyata jumlah email Spam di dunia ini sudah sangat besar sekali, sekitar 300 Milyar email Spam per hari, dan dapat mencapai puncaknya sebesar 500 Milyar per hari. Jumlah ini sungguh suatu jumlah yang sangat besar yang sangat menghambat lalulintas Internet Dunia.

Berkat pendekatan persuasif dari Gubernur Negara Bagian California, Arnold Schwarznegger yang mewakili perusahaan-perusahaan di Silicon Valley, akhirnya Pemerintahan Uni Sovyet dibawah kepemimpinan Presiden Dimitri A. Medvedev, bersedia menindak salah satu perusahaan pengirim email Spam terbesar dari negerinya, yaitu SpamIt.com, pada tanggal 27 September 2010. Hasilnya, tepat pada hari itu jumlah email Spam Dunia menurun sebesar 100 Milyar Spam per hari, menjadi sekitar 200 Milyar Spam per hari.

Kalau saja email Spam itu dapat diturunkansampai Nol per hari, maka Jaringan Internet pasti akan jauh lebih lancar dari pada saat ini, dengan sisa 200 Milyar email Spam per hari.

Spam yang dikirim oleh Mbak Retno sebenarnya termasuk jumlah yang berskala Teri, dibandingkan dengan Spam yang dikirim oleh organisasi SpamIt.com yang dipimpin oleh Tuan Gusev,yang berumur 31 tahun dari Moscow, Russia.

Sebab kalau langkah Mbak Retno ini kita biarkan, bisa-bisa akan muncul mbak-mbak atau masa-mas lain yang akhirnya bikin macet jaringan Internet Indonesia.

Kesimpulannya, Regulator Telekomonikasi Indonesia harus cepat bertindak untuk membuat aturan yang dapat menghentikan dan memberikan denda berat atau hukuman kurungan bagi pelakunya.

Semoga mendapatkan perhatian dari para Stakeholders.

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E-Mail Spam Falls After Russian Crackdown

MOSCOW — You may not have noticed, but since late last month, the world supply of Viagra ads and other e-mail spam has dropped by an estimated one-fifth. With 200 billion spam messages in circulation each day, there is still plenty to go around.

But police officials in Russia, a major spam exporter, say they are trying to do their part to stem the flow. On Tuesday, police officials here announced a criminal investigation of a suspected spam kingpin, Igor A. Gusev. They said he had probably fled the country.

Moscow police authorities said Mr. Gusev, 31, was a central figure in the operations of SpamIt.com, which paid spammers to promote online pharmacies, sometimes quite lewdly. SpamIt.com suddenly stopped operating on Sept. 27. With less financial incentive to send their junk mail, spammers curtailed their activity by an estimated 50 billion messages a day.

Why the site closed was unclear until Tuesday, when Moscow police officials met with reporters to discuss the Gusev case. The officials’ actions were a departure from Russia’s usual laissez faire approach to online crime.

They accuse Mr. Gusev of operating a pharmacy without a license and of failing to register a business. On Tuesday, they searched his apartment and office in Moscow, according to Lt. Yevdokiya F. Utenkova, an investigator in the economic crime division of the Moscow police department.

Lieutenant Utenkova said the search of the apartment turned up seven removable hard drives, four flash cards and three laptops. Specific, computer-crime related charges may follow after police examine their contents, she said. The investigation began Sept. 21, six days before SpamIt.com closed.

Mr. Gusev’s lawyer, Vadim A. Kolosov, said in a telephone interview that his client was not the owner of SpamIt.com and had never sent spam e-mail, but declined to respond to specific questions.

The drop-off in spam since SpamIt.com went down had been noted by companies in the United States that monitor the Internet.

“We’ve seen a sustained drop in global volumes,” Henry Stern, a senior security analyst at Cisco Systems, said in a telephone interview from San Francisco. The company pinpointed the closure of Mr. Gusev’s site as the cause for this easing up.

If individual computer users have not noticed changes in spam traffic, it may be because many people have learned to use spam filters that insulate them from the junk that continuously circulates on the Internet.

Kaspersky Lab, an antivirus company based in Moscow, said there had been a notable drop in mass e-mail in the United States that advertised prescription drugs — to about 41 percent of all spam at the end of the September from 65 percent at the beginning of the month. The figures are comparable in Western Europe, the company said. Many of the pharmaceuticals sold through Web sites promoted by spammers are believed to be counterfeit.

Other computer security companies had reported similar reductions in prescription drug spam, although they cautioned that spam volumes were volatile and often spring back to previous high levels. On a typical day, spam accounts for about 90 percent of all e-mail traffic on the Internet.

Mr. Gusev and SpamIt.com have been widely known in computer security circles, and he had lived openly in Moscow. Spamhaus, an international nonprofit that monitors global spam, listed the SpamIt.com organization as the world’s single largest sponsor of spam.

Last year, the Russian-language version of Newsweek reported that Mr. Gusev’s sites were connected to the same computer server farm in St. Petersburg, Russia, called Russian Business Networks, that was identified in a 2009 report by online security experts with NATO as a source of the attacks on Georgia in 2008.

Mr. Gusev filed suit against Newsweek in a Moscow court, denying links to spamming suggested in the article. That case is still pending. In that suit, he cited phone calls from The New York Times to his lawyer seeking comment as evidence that the article harmed his reputation.

Why, after years of ignoring spammers, Russian authorities have now acted has left online security experts puzzled.

SpamIt.com had operated in a gray area of Russian law, cybersecurity researchers said. They said it had paid commissions to other parties that had directed traffic to various sites operating under the name Canadian Pharmacy, using a Russian online settlement system. Mr. Gusev has denied in blog posts that he promoted spam.

The spammers, meanwhile, operated entirely in the shadows, using networks of computers that had been remotely infected with viruses, known as botnets, and turning them into relay stations for sending e-mail from anywhere in the world.

Some American security experts have said that the spamming operation in Russia appears to have been protected by Russian authorities — whether for reasons of corruption, national pride or state security.

Because most victims of online crime, and the targets of unwanted spam advertising, are in Europe and the United States, Russian police have typically seen little incentive to prosecute online crime, analysts say.

But recently, President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia has been seeking to expand and legitimize the domestic Russian Internet industry — and move it away from its reputation as a playground for hackers, pornographers and authors of darkly ingenious viruses.

In June, Mr. Medvedev visited California to meet with Silicon Valley executives. The SpamIt.com site closed two weeks before the reciprocal Silicon Valley trade delegation, led by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, arrived in Moscow on Oct. 10.

Computer security researchers have conjectured that spamming gangs have sometimes been co-opted by the intelligence agencies in Russia, which provide cover for the spamming activities in exchange for the criminals’ expertise or for allowing their networks of virus-infected computers to be used for political purposes — to crash dissident Web sites, for example, or to foster attacks on foreign adversaries.

The Russian government has denied orchestrating computer attacks beyond its borders.

Plenipot ITU Mexico 2010: Pelanggan Mobile mencapai 90% Penduduk Dunia. Quo Vadis Broadband Indonesia?


Posted on : 9:48 PM | By : S Roestam

Jaringan mobile kini mencakup lebih dari 90% dari populasi dunia, dengan pelanggan terdaftar mencapai 5,3 milyar pada akhir tahun 2010, menurut ITU.

Jumlah pengguna 3G telah berkembang menjadi 940 juta tahun ini, dengan 143 negara kini menawarkan layanan 3G komersial, menurut ITU.

Volume SMS telah meningkat tiga kali lipat selama tiga tahun terakhir untuk mencapai 6,1 triliun pada tahun 2010 - setara dengan hampir 200.000 SMS dikirim setiap detik.

Sekitar 3,8 miliar pelanggan mobile di dunia akan berasal dari negara-negara berkembang pada akhir tahun ini, menurut direktur telekomunikasi ITU Sami Al Basheer.

"Penetrasi ponsel di negara-negara berkembang saat ini adalah 68% - lebih tinggi daripada teknologi lainnya sebelumnya," katanya.

Pasar Asia yang menghasilkan jumlah terbesar pelanggan ditambah dengan China dan India diperkirakan akan menambah lagi 300 juta pelanggan tahun ini saja.

Keberhasilan layanan Mobile di negara-negara berkembang telah menurunkan ARPU-nya, menurut ITU.

Sebaliknya, tarif fixed-broadband tetap mahal, dengan layanan entry-level rata-rata biaya-nya $ 190 per bulan di negara-negara berkembang dibandingkan dengan hanya $ 28 di negara maju.

Akibatnya, penetrasi fixed-broadband tetap di hanya 8% secara global. Di pasar negara-negara berkembang ada 4,4 langganan per 100 orang, dibandingkan dengan 24,6 di negara-negara maju.

Jumlah pengguna internet meningkat dua kali lipat dalam lima tahun terakhir, dan menuju ke jumlah pelanggan 2 milyar pada akhir tahun 2010. Pada saat ini 71% dari penduduk negara maju dan 21% dari negara-negara berkembang akan online.

APAC memiliki pengguna internet 21,9 per 100 penduduk, dibandingkan dengan 65 di Eropa, 55 di Amerika dan 9,6 di Afrika.

Sekjen ITU Hamadoun Touré mengatakan broadband adalah alat yang paling penting dalam upaya untuk memenuhi Millenium Development Goals pada tahun 2015.

"Broadband adalah titik kritis berikutnya, yang merupakan transformasi teknologi berikutnya," katanya. "Hal ini dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja, mendorong pertumbuhan dan produktivitas, dan mendukung daya saing ekonomi jangka panjang."

Quo Vadis Layanan Broadband Indonesia?

Google menambahkan Peringatan Dini adanya URL Phising kepada para Admin Jaringan


Posted on : 11:28 AM | By : S Roestam | In :

Google has added a new alarm for phishing URLs to a service designed to alert administrators if their networks have been compromised.

The new phishing alert is part of Google Safe Browsing Alerts for Network Administrators, a service launched in September. The idea behind Safe Browsing Alerts is to notify AS (autonomous system) owners about malicious content found on their networks.

"A single network or ISP can host hundreds or thousands of different Websites," Google security team members Nav Jagpal and Ke Wang wrote at the time in a joint blog post. "Although network administrators may not be responsible for running the Websites themselves, they have an interest in the quality of the content being hosted on their networks. We're hoping that with this additional level of information, administrators can help make the Internet safer by working with Webmasters to remove malicious content and fix security vulnerabilities."

The new feature adds phishing URLs to the mix, and e-mails warnings to administrators.

"We'd also like to point out the XML notification feature," Jagpal wrote Oct. 14. "By default, we send notification messages in a simple e-mail message. However, we realize that some of you may want to process these notifications by a script, so we've added the ability to receive messages in XML format. Click on an AS in your list to modify preferences, such as enabling the XML notification feature."

Penggunaan Video Chat dan Videoconferencing makin meningkat


Posted on : 2:43 PM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Dari hasil Survey Pew Research Center terhadap 3001 orang Amerika, diketahui ada 19% yang melakukan Video Call online dari perangkat Komputer atau HP mereka. Dari jumlah itu sebanyak 23% yang melakukan Web video chat dari komputer dan 7% dari HP. Ini merupakan kenaikan dari hasil survey tahun 2009 dimana Web video call mencapai 20%.

Video chat dari HP meningkat karena makin banyaknya Smartphone yang dilengkapi dengan camera, serta adanya layanan video-chat seperti Skype, Google Chat dan iChat dari Apple.

Teleconferencing juga makin banyak digunakan untuk berkonferensi jarak jauh memakai komputer.

Berikut ini berita lengkapnya:


Some 19 percent of 3,001 American adults surveyed said they have participated in a video call online from their computer or their cellphones, according to new data from Pew Research Center's Internet & American Project.

Users joined video calls, chats or teleconferences from the Web via their computers to the tune of some 23 percent, while 7 percent have used their phones for such tasks.

Often, people placed video calls on both the Internet and their cell phone, but Pew only counted those who said they had used both mediums to participate in video calling once.

People were surveyed this past summer from Aug. 9 to Sept. 13 in what was the first survey of Pew conducted that covered both online and cell-phone video calls.

Pew last year looked at video calls from the Web, noting that the number rose modestly from 20 percent of Web users in April 2009 to 23 percent of Web users in summer 2010.

What is becoming clear is that mobile video calling appears poised to boom in the coming year, as front-facing camera are being included in smartphones and tablet PCs.

"Video calling has become increasingly available as camcorders have spread through the online environment, cameras have been built into smartphones, and as video-chat services like Skype, Google Talk and Apple iChat have become a feature of the online and smartphone environment," Pew said, adding that teleconferencing is also becoming a staple medium in businesses.

Indeed, Skype is picking up traction on mobile phones, with new apps surfacing to leverage the larger screens and more powerful browsers and processors on modern smartphones such as the iPhone and devices based on Google's Android operating system.

Apple launched its FaceTime video calling application for iPhone 4 in June, while Yahoo Oct. 12 launched Yahoo Messenger App for iPhone.

Tablet computers are coming to the fore to leverage video calling, most likely to enable video conferences for corporate road warriors on the go.

Samsung's Galaxy Tab touts a front-facing camera for video chat, as do future machines from Dell and Motorola.

Other trends Pew found:

  • A third of Web users living in households earning $75,000 or above have participated in video calls or chats, compared with 18% of those earning less than $75,000.
  • Some 29 percent of the Web users ages 18-29 have participated in video calls or chats or teleconferences, compared with 15 percent of Web users age 65 or older.
  • Online men are more likely than online women to participate in online video calls (26 percent vs. 20 percent).