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UNAS Jeblog, siapa yang salah?


Posted on : 6:21 PM | By : S Roestam | In :

Jika nantinya UNAS jeblok dan membuat banyak siswa tidak lulus maka itu merupakan cermin dari kegagalan pemerintah dalam mengelola pendidikan. Pemerintah melakukan kesalahan beruntun dengan kegagalan tersebut.

Kesalahan pertama adalah tidak jelasnya tujuan UNAS itu sendiri. Kalau penyelenggaraan UNAS dimaksudkan untuk melihat bagaimana kualitas pendidikan kita secara nasional maka ini jelas mubazir. Jelas sekali bahwa penguasaan materi siswa di Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Dalam sebuah studi perbandingan kualitas pendidikan Indonesia menduduki posisi tiga terbawah dalam penguasaan fisika, matematika, biologi dan bahasa dari 50 negara di dunia, kendati kerap meraih juara dalam kompetisi akademik dunia.

Dalam survei lain Indonesia mendapat nilai rata-rata E dalam rapor pendidikan dan berada di peringkat 10 dari 14 negara berkembang di Asia Pasifik (di bawah Vietnam, India, Kamboja, dan Banglades). Perlu bukti apa lagi untuk mengetahui kualitas pendidkan kita? Jika UN dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan pemetaan kondisi pendidikan nasional, mengapa harus semua siswa mengikutinya? Mengapa tidak menggunakan metode sampling agar lebih hemat? Dan untuk tujuan pemetaan,seharusnya nilai ujian tidak perlu diumumkan, apalagi sampai menjadi patokan kelulusan siswa.

Jadi saran kami, UN hanya sebagai survey indikator kualitas pendidikan di tiap wilayah, dan dilakukan hanya di beberapa sekolah terpilih saja sebagai sample statistik. Hasilnya tidak dipakai untuk menyatakan seseorang siswa gagal atau tidak dalam pendidikannya, sebab ujian hanya dilakukan untuk 2 atau 3 matapelajaran saja.

Lulus tidaknya seseoarang siswa ditentukan dalam ujian akhir yang digelar di tiap sekolah masing-masing, dan Surat Tanda Kelulusan Belajar dikeluarkan oleh masing-masing sekolah.

Kelebiha Anggaran UN tahun 2010 hendaknya dipakai untuk meningkatkan mutu pengajaran di tiap sekolah, dan tambahan buat penghasilan para guru untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka.

Semoga didengar oleh DIKNAS. (sumber: satryadharma.wordpress.com)

Teknolohi Web 2.0 merubah cara kita berbisnis


Posted on : 11:50 AM | By : S Roestam | In :

In recent years, using technology to change the way people work has often meant painful disruption, as CIOs rolled enterprise software programs through the ranks of reluctant staffers. Today, employees are more likely to bring in new technologies on their own—and to do so enthusiastically—through their Web browser, whether it’s starting a blog, setting up a wiki to share knowledge, or collaborating on documents hosted online.

Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at the Center for Digital Business at the MIT Sloan School of Management, has been watching this shift closely. His new book, Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for your Organization’s Toughest Challenges, explores the ways that leading organizations are bringing Web 2.0 tools inside. McAfee calls these tools “emergent social software platforms”—highly visible environments with tools that evolve as people use them—and he is optimistic about their potential to improve the way we work.

iPhone Apple mulai menandingi BlackBerry sebagai solusi Enterprise Mobility


Posted on : 3:24 PM | By : S Roestam | In :

Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ini, iPhone buatan Apple mulai menajkan popularitasnya untuk dipakai sebagai solusi mobilitas Enterprise, perusahaan-perusahan besar dunia, menyaingi BlackBerry.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 50 dari 100 perusahaan-perusahaan Fortune-100 memanfaatkan iPhone sebagai solusi mobilitas Enterprise yang bermanfaat bagi para eksekutif perusahaan-perusahaan itu yang aktivitasnya banyak diluar kantor namun dapat terus terhubung kekantor. iPhone mulai menggeser BlackBerry sejak beberapa bulan terakhir ini, karena iPhone memang lebih enterprise-friendly dari pada BlackBerry.

Sebagai buktinya, perusahaan Trust Digital yang menawarkan solusi enterprise sekarang menyediakan console enterprise mobility management buat iPhone.

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Once a realm ruled by the mighty BlackBerry, the enterprise has been infiltrated by the Apple iPhone in recent months. Now enterprise mobility management vendor Trust Digital is giving IT organizations some control over these upstart devices. And Trust Digital is also introducing a channel program for solution providers, service providers and systems integrators.

Solution providers looking to support mobility and mobile phones such as BlackBerry and Treo as a part of their practice have been noticing something different lately. The realm once ruled by BlackBerry has been infiltrated by a young upstart—the Apple iPhone.

During Apple's most recent earnings call, company executives told analysts that iPhones were being used in 50 of the Fortune 100 companies today. It's something that enterprise mobility solution providers have been noticing as well.

"We are starting to get requests to support the iPhone," says Melanie Gray, president and CEO of Movero Technology, an enterprise mobility solution provider based in Austin, Texas. "This is not just something I'm supporting on the side now."

Companies that never would have thought of letting in an iPhone a year ago have allowed employees to start using their devices on the corporate network and now are looking for ways to roll them out to the rest of the staff, Gray says.
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This provides more of a services opportunity for solution providers like Movero, says Gray, who notes that she doesn't mind that Apple doesn't really have a reseller program for the iPhone. Her company doesn't make money on device sales; it makes money on services.

"I love all the new mobile OSes coming out," she says. "They are a new challenge to the enterprise. Now you have multiple carriers with different OSes. Now you have iPhone and Android coming in."

Part of the reason why the iPhone is making inroads into this exclusive club of enterprise mobility solutions is that other new solutions are available that make the iPhone more enterprise-friendly. Case in point: Trust Digital, which is introducing a new channel partner program Nov. 16 that incorporates the iPhone into its enterprise mobility management solution.

Trust Digital offers an enterprise mobility management console for iPhones that enables secure e-mail access, the creation and provisioning of device policies, the distribution of device certificates, and the monitoring of device status, and also ensures user and corporate compliance, according to the company.

Nick Turner, vice president of service provider sales for Trust Digital, says solutions such as BlackBerry Enterprise Server provide control and management for an array of devices, giving managers control over the fleet. And lack of that control is what IT organizations don't like about the iPhone.

However, "We fill that hole for iPhone," Turner says. Turner says Trust Digital launched iPhone support in January and it began to take off in June when the iPhone 3GS was launched.

Gray says she is using an iPhone now personally, but the rest of her sales team is still using BlackBerrys.

"That's typical for most of our customers," says Turner. "The C-level executive gets the iPhone first and then it spreads. If you look at how BlackBerry started in the enterprise—well, that's how it started, too."

At some companies, users are now "double-barreling it" with a BlackBerry in one hand and an iPhone in the other hand, says Turner.

"We have a problem today that we are not managing," he says. "Innovation is being driven by the user. We let IT embrace that."