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iPhone memiliki tingkat kerawanan keamanan tertinggi


Posted on : 12:37 AM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

HP Pintar (Smartphone) yang paling rawan tingkat keamanannya berdasarkan hasil survey perusahaan nCircle ternyata adalah iPhone buatan Apple Computers. Resiko ini cukup membahayakan bilamana Smartphone iPhone ini digunakan untuk aplikasi bisnis yang memerlukan kerahasiaan data. Perbandingan tingkat kerawanan keamanan bagi iPhone adalah sebesar 57% dibandingkan sebesar 39% bagi HP Android, 28% bagi HP BlackBerry dan 13% bagi HP Nokia.

Dari penelitian, dibuktikan bahwa hacker dapat meng-hack database SMS iPhone dalam waktu 20 detik. Kelemahan keamanan iPhone ini dikarenakan Apple belum memperbaiki fitur enterprise-security dari hardware-nya sejak pertengahan tahun 2009.

Jadi kita perlu memperhatikan tingkat keamanan sebuah Smartphone bilamana akan dipaka untuk komunikasi yang mengandung rahasia bisnis.

Security professionals believe Apple’s iPhone is the riskiest smartphone enterprises can deploy, a survey by nCircle found.
Some 57% of security workers quizzed by the network security provider said the iPhone poses the greatest risk to enterprise’s security, compared to 39% for Android devices, 28% BlackBerry, and 13% Nokia.
The network security firm says Apple could easily make the iPhone more secure “Apple continues to do only the absolute minimum to address enterprise security and supportability requirements,” nCircle director of security operations Andrew Storms states.
Apple hasn't introduced a new enterprise-tailored security feature since hardware level encryption in mid-2009, he added – and even that feature was almost immediately compromised.
Enterprises are slowly responding to the potential threat posed by smartphones, with 58% of respondents having implemented a smartphone security policy to mitigate risk. But just 65% of these enforce that policy in practice.
The vulnerability of the iPhone was highlighted last week when a security researcher at the CanSecWest Security show demonstrated a way to hack the iPhone's SMS database within 20 seconds.

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how about
android ?

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