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Di Indonesia ada RPM Multi Media, di LN ada Anti Couterfeiting Agreement yg mengharuskan ISP bertanggungjawab


Posted on : 4:25 PM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Hari-hari terakhir ini di Indonesia sedang ramai dibicarakan tentang RPM Multi Media yang akan mengharuskan para Operator/ISP untuk bertanggungjawab atas kontent yang illegal/melanggar UU ITE, maka di luar negeri juga sedang ramai dibicarakan masalah Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) yang mengharuskan kepada Operator/ISP untuk bertanggungjawab atas kontent yang melanggar UU HaKI.

Kami kurang jelas apakah upaya untuk menerapkan RPM Multi Media ini ada kaitannya dengan negosiasi ACTA tersebut diatas atau tidak. Silahkan yang merasa lebih paham untuk memberikan tanggapannya.

Berita lengkapnya ada di telecomasia.net berkut ini:

There’s been another leak from the Anticounterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) that indicates negotiators remain determined to hold ISPs responsible for any copy infringement that takes place over their networks.
ACTA is a global intellectual property treaty now being negotiated.
A portion of a draft affirms that it would require ISPs countries to adopt notice/takedown and anti-circumvention provisions similar to ones included in the USA’s Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
The first would require ISPs to block or disable content if the copyright holder claims infringement (without having to actually prove legally that infringement has in fact taken place, judging from the wording).
The second would make it illegal for anyone to work around or otherwise fiddle with DRM and other copyright protection mechanisms – potentially to include security researchers.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has a list of examples of how anti-circumvention laws do more harm than good, but a memorable example is the Sony-BMG rootkit fiasco that left millions of computers vulnerable to attacks. That security hole wasn’t reported for weeks because the Princeton University grad student who discovered it was busy talking to lawyers finding a way to disclose it without violating the DMCA’s anti-circumvention clause.
The ACTA draft chapter also addresses the three-strikes provision that would require ISPs to cut off accused infringers completely. The good news is that ACTA would not make it mandatory for ISPs to adopt three-strikes. However, it does require ISPs to take active measures to stop copyright infringement, and gives only one example of how to do that: three-strikes.
As usual, several caveats apply. It’s not yet clear just how authentic this document is (although previous leaks have never been shown to be fakes). And if it is the real thing, it’s still a draft copy, reportedly from as far back as October. (The PDF copy of the draft is here if you want to see it for yourself.)

Either way, I’ve written before about why three-strikes policies won’t help stop P2P piracy, and why ACTA itself is bad news for ISPs, chiefly for the super-secret nature of the negotiations that doesn’t appear to include them.

India baru akan lelang pita 3G pada tanggal 9 April 2010, lelang BWA tanggal 11 April 2010


Departemen Telekomunikasi India (DoT) akhirnya menjadwalkan Tender 3G tanggal 9 April 2010, dan jadwal operasional tanggal 1 Sept 2010 pada pita 2,1GHz, dengan alokasi 3 atau 4 blok pita frekwensi 2x5MHz per wilayah. Akan diterbitkan 5 lisensi 3G di empat wilayah, yaitu: Punjab, Bengal Barat, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar dan Jammu & Kashmir. Sedangkan pada sisa 18 wilayah akan dilelang 3 lisensi 3G lagi.

Harga lisensi 3G per 5MHz ditetapkan sebesar US$758,3 juta.

Sedangkan harga lisensi spektrum BWA pada pita frekwensi 2,3GHz adalah US$379 juta.

Permohonan operator 3G ditetapkan paling lambat tanggal 19 Maret 2010.

Tender untuk BWA ditetapkan 2 hari sedudah tender 3G, yaitu pada tanggal 11 April 2010. Untuk BWA awalnya hanya dilelang 2 blok pita, dan bila masalah interferensi bisa diatasi, maka akan dilelang pita tambahan, atau dari pita frekwensi 2,5 GHz yang telah dibersihkan.

Selain itu, India juga merencanakan penggunaan pita 800 MHz hasil dari dividend digitalisasi TV untuk tambahan pita 3G berbasis CDMA EV-DO.

Syarat operator 3G adalah mereka yang telah mendapat lisensi 2G atau operator asing yang telah berpengalaman 3G dan maksimum saham asing sebesar 74%.

Lelang pita frekwensi LTE masih belum ditetapkan waktunya.
Berita lengkapnya terlampir:

The Indian government has finally set a timetable for its 3G auction and rollout.
The auction will begin on April 9, and operators will be allowed to offer commercial 3G services from September 1, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) revealed Thursday.

It plans to allocate three or four blocks of spectrum per circle at 2100MHz, with each bidder limited to one 2x5MHz block. Harga lisensi per 5MHz adalah US$758,3 juta.

Five 3G licenses will be available in the four circles of Punjab, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir.

Three licenses will be auctioned in the remaining 18 circles.

The reserve price for pan-India 3G spectrum remains unchanged at 35 billion rupees ($758.3 million) for 5MHz.

The reserve for national Broadband Wireless Access (BSW) spectrum at 2.3GHz has been set at 17.5 billion rupees.

The deadline for submission of applications is March 19. A mock 3G auction is penned for April 5-6.

The BWA auction is scheduled to commence two days after the 3G auction, but the government no longer plans to auction three BWA licenses per circle at 2.3GHz.

“The government has already examined the issue and taken a decision to auction two slots of BWA spectrum at present, unless more spectrum becomes available or interference issues are resolved in the 2.5GHz band,” it said.

It said it had canned plans to auction 800MHz spectrum for CDMA 3G purposes.

The government also said it has no schedule for the next 3G auction round, saying only that should a “further round of auction for 3G or BWA spectrum take place within 12 months from the current round, the reserve price in such a round will be the same as the winning price in the current round.”

It said that “more details cannot be provided at this stage” on the auctioning of LTE spectrum.

Mandatory roaming is not part of the government’s telecoms policy, the government added.

However it said that: “Intra-circle roaming will be governed by the UAS/ CMTS licence provisions and applicable government regulations.”

A 3G aspirant must hold a Unified Access Services or Cellular Mobile Telephone Service licence, or demonstrate previous experience running 3G telecom services.

A foreign firm can take part in the auction and can hold up to 74% in a mobile company.

Google akan meninggalkan Google Gears dan mengganti dengan HTML5


Posted on : 9:46 AM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Perusahaan Alat Pencari global Google memutuskan untuk meninggalkan aplikasi Google Gears serta menggantikannya dengan aplikasi baru berbasiskan HTML5. Berikut ini adalah rincian beritanya:

Google Gears is the search giant's innovative technology for enabling offline applications. However, toward the end of 2009, Google announced that it was lessening its focus on Gears in lieu of support for HTML5, which provides Gears' offline capability and a lot more.

In a Feb. 19 blog post entitled "Hello HTML5," Ian Fette of the Google Gears team, said:

"If you've wondered why there haven't been many Gears releases or posts on the Gears blog lately, it's because we've shifted our effort towards bringing all of the Gears capabilities into Web standards like HTML5. We're not there yet, but we are getting closer. In January we shipped a new version of Google Chrome that natively supports a Database API similar to the Gears database API, workers (both local and shared, equivalent to workers and cross-origin workers in Gears), and also new APIs like Local Storage and Web Sockets. Other facets of Gears, such as the LocalServer API and Geolocation, are also represented by similar APIs in new standards and will be included in Google Chrome shortly."
Resource Library:

Obviously the move is not trivial, particularly with a specification that is still evolving, such as HTML5. Indeed, added Fette: "We realize there is not yet a simple, comprehensive way to take your Gears-enabled application and move it (and your entire userbase) over to a standards-based approach. We will continue to support Gears until such a migration is more feasible, but this support will be necessarily constrained in scope."

In an interview with eWEEK, Dylan Schiemann, CEO of SitePen and a vocal advocate for the open Web, said, "I believe that with projects like Chrome Frame, and HTML5 native support in Firefox, Safari and Opera, Gears served its purpose in moving the open web forward. Gears was an important experiment on new ideas for making browsers better for things that were not possible in JS, at a time when browser vendors were afraid to implement features that had not yet been standardized."

Meanwhile, Fette explains Google's moves in pulling back additional support for Gears, while specifying what will be supported.

"We will not be investing resources in active development of new features," Fette said in his post. "Likewise, there are some platforms that would require a significant engineering effort to support due to large architectural changes. Specifically, we cannot support Gears in Safari on OS X Snow Leopard and later. Support for Gears in Firefox (including 3.6, which will be supported shortly) and Internet Explorer will continue."

However, a former Google engineer familiar with the project, said, "I think Gears is dead and being superseded by Chrome and Chrome Frame. All of the people I know from the Gears team are working on Chrome."

The former Googler, who asked for anonymity, added: "If you look at the Gears blog you will see that Gears' support has not been a priority. The tech leads are on to other things. One is on Google Voice; the other is on Chrome Extensions. Ever since Chrome the bet has been moved to WebKit and putting all of the effort there. Gears may trickle along, but HTML5 has all of the features from it basically, so as soon as browsers support them Gears can die."

And die it will. Added Fette to summarize his post:

"Looking back, Gears has helped us deliver much-desired functionality, such as the ability to offer offline access in Gmail, to a large number of users. Long term, we expect that as browsers support an increasing amount of this functionality natively and as users upgrade to more capable browsers, applications will make a similar migration. If you haven't already, you will want to take a look at the latest developments in Web browsers and the functionality many now provide, reach out with questions and consider how you can use these in your Web applications. Gears has taken us the first part of the way; now we're excited to see browsers take us the rest of the way."

Meanwhile, some observers view the issue as strictly evolutionary and not a matter of Gears versus HTML5. A prominent supporter of the open Web and a key developer of various well-known, standards-based Web technologies, told eWEEK:

"The word 'versus' strikes me as odd. Gears predates a lot of the APIs that are taking up equivalent functionality in HTML5 and the experience with Gears informed (and continues to inform) many of the discussions around HTML5 API designs. For instance, AppCache is a simpler-to-use version of the Gears manifest-driven app capture. As close observers have noted, the Chrome and WebKit teams are working hard to implement HTML5 features and get them deployed. Gears represented a good way to introduce new features fast. HTML5 is the standardization and maturation of many of those features. This is what the market for renderer features looks like when it's working. Nothing 'versus' about it."

This industry insider—who because of his position at a competing organization asked for anonymity—added that the move to HTML5 could actually be better for offline Web applications. However, "there aren't very many of them [offline apps]. Fewer still built by companies whose names aren't 'Google.' So it's either neutral to positive. I'm going to go with 'positive.' A standard allows people to build without fear, and multiple browsers are implementing AppCache. That's a good thing, and frankly the best-case outcome of the Gears experiment."

Botnet mencuri data keuangan melalui Login Jejaring Sosial


Posted on : 10:18 AM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Login ke Jejaring Sosial seperti Facebook, Yahoo dan Online Banking dimanfaatkan oleh Botnet untuk mencuri data keuangan pelanggan atau perusahaan. Berikut ini adalah berita lengkapnya.

Researchers at NetWitness have uncovered a 75,000-strong botnet of systems infected with the notorious Zeus Trojan. But perhaps even more notable than its size is the data that it is targeting.

The botnet, which has touched 2,500 organizations throughout the world and been dubbed “Kneber” due to a username linking the infected systems, seeks to collect login credentials to online financial systems, social networking sites and email systems as well as other data that can be used by cyber-crooks.

Analyzing the botnet over a four-week period, NetWitness uncovered the theft of 68,000 credentials of various sorts. Leading this list of stolen data were user credentials for Facebook, Yahoo and hi5. According to security researchers, social networks have increasingly become a jumping off point for attackers looking to conduct survelliance on their targets. McAfee, for example, told eWEEK in January that social networks played a role in the Auroraattack that impacted Google and others last year.

Such information has its purposes. For example, answers to questions such as “what is your mother’s maiden name” or “what street did you grow up on” can be used to remotely reset user passwords and access e-banking and other accounts, NetWitness noted in a paper on the botnet.

While targeting financial sites ultimately may result in financial gain for the miscreant, targeting logon credentials to social networks and e-mail gives them the 'keys to the castle',” according to the paper. “This personal information is pivotal for stealing identities and crafting very well targeted and convincing criminal and espionage campaigns."

"Many security analysts tend to classify Zeus solely as a Trojan that steals banking information, but that viewpoint is naïve," said Alex Cox, the principal analyst at NetWitness, in a statement. "When we began to detect the correlation among both the methodology used by the Kneber crew to attack victim machines and the wide variety of data sets harvested, it became clear that security teams must rethink their entire perspective on advanced threats such as Zeus and consider more diverse mission objectives."

The Zeus Trojan is widely available in the cyber-underground, and is one of the more common data-stealing pieces of malware used in financial attacks. Though NetWitness declined to name the organizations affected by Kneber, Egypt(19 percent), Mexico(15 percent), Saudi Arabia(13 percent), Turkey(12 percent) and the United States(11 percent) had the largest share of compromised systems. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, the U.S.companies impacted by the botnet include Merck & Co., Paramount Pictures and Juniper Networks.

Also uncovered by NetWitness were 2,000 SSLcertificate files and dossier-level data sets on individuals, including complete dumps of entire identities from victim machines. According to the research, more than half the machines infected with Kneber were also infected with Waledac, suggesting a level of cross-crew collaboration in the cyber-underworld.

"It is 100 percent certain that many organizations have no idea they are victimized by these types of problems because they're just not tooled to see them on their networks,” Cox said. “The Kneber botnet is just one category of advanced threat that organizations have been facing the past few years that they are still largely ignorant or blind to today."

Kaskus ancam hengkang dari Indonesia bila RPM Multimedia diundangkan


Posted on : 4:18 AM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Jakarta - Dari sekian banyak elemen masyarakat internet yang menolak disahkannya Rancangan Peraturan Menteri (RPM) tentang Konten Multimedia, salah satu yang paling lantang menyatakan resistensinya adalah forum komunitas Kaskus.

Bahkan saking geramnya dengan RPM Konten, salah satu petinggi Kaskus, Chief Marketing Officer Danny Oei sempat mengancam akan membawa seluruh perangkat penunjang forum komunitas itu hengkang ke luar Indonesia.

"Jika pemerintah tetap mengesahkan aturan konten ini, kami akan pindahkan semua server kita keluar dari Indonesia. Mungkin ke Singapura. Ini bertentangan dengan misi Kaskus tentang kebebasan bersuara dan berpendapat," ancamnya di tengah jumpa pers di Hotel Akmani, Jakarta, Rabu (17/2/2010).

Sontak, ancaman ini membuat kaget semua yang hadir. Suara tentang penolakan RPM Konten pun semakin menggema di ruang konferensi hotel tersebut.

Danny merasa kecewa. Sebab, server milik Kaskus perlahan telah dipindahkan ke Indonesia setelah sembilan tahun server mereka berada di Amerika Serikat.

"Di negeri sendiri kami merasa hak kami diinjak-injak oleh pemerintah sendiri. Lebih enak di luar negeri karena kami dihargai," ketusnya.

"Dalam kasus ini, yang rugi justru pemerintah sendiri karena mereka akan kehilangan pajak. Padahal, waktu kami memindahkan server, ini juga atas bujukan pemerintah juga, kenapa kini kami yang malah diinjak-injak," kata Danny lagi.

Saat ini Kaskus telah mempunyai total 40 server yang di-hosting melalui BizNet, dan setiap bulannya Kaskus telah menambah sekitar satu sampai dua server. Menurut Danny, 40 server itu mampu menampung 17 juta user, 500 juta pageview, dan 7 juta unique visitor.

"Kita sebagai penyelenggara konten lokal tidak pernah diajak duduk bareng bicara dengan pemerintah. Padahal seharusnya kita difasilitasi," tandasnya.

Kaskus, menurut Danny, setiap harinya menerima postingan 100 ribu artikel dari 1,2 juta anggotanya. Dengan adanya aturan tentang konten, ia merasa sulit untuk melakukan pengawasan.

"Meski telah kami awasi, pasti ada. saja konten yang tidak diinginkan bisa lolos. Ini situs user generated content, jika pemerintah mau mengawasi, silakan saja pekerjakan 1,2 juta orang untuk mengawasi setiap postingan yang masuk di thread kami," pungkasnya.

Diva, ABG 12-tahun ditemukan setelah hilang 3-hari bersama teman FB


Posted on : 6:46 AM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Seorang remaja usia 12-tahun, Diva Erreini Lalita yang menghilang selama 3-hari sejak minggu 14 Februari 2010 bersama teman FB-nya akhirnya ditemukan ayahnya Reno di Pondok Gede, Bekasi. Selama itu ia berjalan bersama teman FB-nya, Andryan Empunk, remaja laki-laki usia 15-tahun, yang ia sudah kenal selama 1-tahun.

Mila, ibu Diva menyatakan tidak mengenal Empunk, Ia baru tahu setelah membaca FB Diva. Melalui TV-One Empung menyatakan menyesal atas kejadian ini dan meminta maaf. Namun Diva menyatakan bahwa ialah yang mengajak bertemu Empunk.

Ibu Diva menasehati Empunk agar jangan lagi membawa pergi anak dibawah umur seperti Diva, walaupun badannya kelihatan besar karena bongsor. Semoga Diva kembali kepangkuan orangtuanya tanpa kurang suatu apapun.

Berita lain, telah ditemukan pula ABG 14-tahun, Marietta Nova Triani hari Senin malam, 15 Februari 2010 setelah menghilang bersama teman FB-nya sejak 6 Februari 2010. Sang pria pembawa Nova saat ini masih di-interogasi oleh Polisi, sebab membawa pergi ABG tanpa izin orangtuanya.

Empat Siswa dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena menghina guru


Posted on : 5:41 AM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

SMUN 4 Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), mngeluarkan empat siswa karena dituduh menghina salah seorang guru sekolah mereka, Yunita, di facebook. Pihak sekolah beralasan mengeluarkan YK, HF, AN dan AM sebagai pembelajaran kepada siswa agar tertib dan mempunyai sopan santun terhadap guru. (sumber: TV-One)

Lihat berita video-nya dibawah ini:

Tiga Orang ditangkap Pemerintah Cina karena menyelenggarakan Website untuk Trianing Hackers


Posted on : 7:24 PM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Pemeritah Cina telah menutup sebuah Situs untuk training para Hackers secara online, yaitu Black Hawk Safety Net. Website ini juga menyediakan distributed malware dan software tools untuk hacking secara online. Hackers yang telah tergabung pada Website ini mencapai 180.000 orang dan memiliki Forum Diskusi online.

Website Hackers ini dibangun pada tahun 2005 dan berpusat di kota Xuchang. Kelompok ini telah dicurigai sejak tahun 2007 ketika terjadi serangan hackers atas kota "Macheng" di Cina.

Dalam penggerebekan kali ini ditangkap tiga orang yang dituduk melakukan training dan pelatihan melalui website Black Hawk Safey Net itu.

Penangkapan ini terkait dengan tuduhan serangan hackers Cina atas 30 perusahaan2 AS termasuk Google pada akhir tahun lalu.

Berita lengkapnya ada dibawah ini:

China officials have shut down Black Hawk Safety Net, the country's biggest hacker training Website, and arrested three people for making hacker tools available online.

China announced it has arrested three people in connection with operating a hacker training school that distributed malware and hacking tools to its members in online forums.

According to Xinhua, "China ’s state-run newspaper, three people were arrested in connection with making the tools available online through a business known as Black Hawk Safety Net. Established in 2005, Black Hawk Safety Net is reportedly headquartered in Xuchang of the central"Province and has more than 180,000 members. Police reportedly uncovered the operation as part of an investigation into a cyber-attack in"Macheng" City in 2007.

The three suspects arrested in the case are charged with offering online hacker tools, a crime newly listed in the country's criminal law last year, the paper reported.

The announcement about the arrests came as "China and the "United States grapple over cyber-security issues. "China has been at the center of accusations involving a spate of cyber-attacks last year that affected more than 30 companies, including Google, which claimed an attack on its infrastructure originated in China. Google threatened to pull out of the country in response to the situation, as well as to concerns about censorship and what it deemed were attempts to spy on the e-mail of Chinese human rights activists.

The Chinese government has sought to discredit those claims, and has publicly denied anyinvolvement in the attacks. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department has said it will press the Chinese government for answers, and the Senate passed a resolution Feb. 3calling on the Chinese government to conduct a thorough and transparent review of the cyber-attacks.

China says hackers caused 7.6 billion yuan ($1.02 billion) in losses in the country in 2009. (source: eWeek.com)

Google Nexus One sebagai HP pilihan Linus Torvald, pencipta LINUX


Posted on : 9:54 AM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Linus Torvald si Pencipta Sustem Operasi LINUX merasakan bahwa HP Google Nexus One merupakan HP yang ideal bagi pengguna canggih, sebab berbagai fungsi dan kemudahan pengoperasiannya telah terpasang didalamnya, berkat Sistem Operasi Android yang berbasiskan LINUX. Yang paling menarik dari Nexus One ini adalah fitur Navigasi Google Map yang menggunakan fitur turn-by-turn GPS yang memudahkan penentuan lokasi pengguna.

Berikut ini adalah rinciannya:

Linus Torvalds, the man who created the Linux operating system on which Android is based, said he likes using the Google Nexus One smartphone for its Google Maps Navigation turn-by-turn GPS software. Torvalds said he "generally hates phones because they are irritating and disturb you as you work or read or whatever," but is intrigued by Linux-based phones. The Google navigation Torvalds enjoys is the Google Maps Navigation turn-by-turn GPS feature so many users have found useful since it launched on the Motorola Droid in November.

The Google Nexus One smartphone, based on Google's Android operating system, is getting fans in high-profile tech places even as it battles a reputation for poor 3G service.

Linus Torvalds, the man who created the Linux operating system on which Android is based, purchased a Nexus One and spoke favorably about it in a blog post Feb. 6.

Google launched the Nexus One from its Webstore Jan. 5, offering it for $529 unlocked or $179 with a two-year contract from T-Mobile. When users have 3G service, they generally report great things about the Nexus One, based on the latest Android 2.1 OS and which runs a 1GHz Snapdragon processor from Qualcomm.

Torvalds said he "generally hates phones because they are irritating and disturb you as you work or read or whatever," but is intrigued by Linux-based phones, such as the Nexus One:

"I have to admit, the Nexus One is a winner. I wasn't enthusiastic about buying a phone on the Internet sight unseen, but the day it was reported that it finally had the pinch-to-zoom thing enabled, I decided to take the plunge. I've wanted to have a GPS unit for my car anyway, and I thought that Google navigation might finally make a phone useful.
"And it does. What a difference! I no longer feel like I'm dragging a phone with me 'just in case' I would need to get in touch with somebody—now I'm having a useful (and admittedly pretty good-looking) gadget instead ..."

The Google navigation Torvalds enjoys is the Google Maps Navigation turn-by-turn GPS feature so many users have found useful since it launched on the Motorola Droid in November. That's the type of perk Google hopes will help differentiate Android from Apple's iPhone and other platforms. Nokia latercountered with it own free GPS tool.

Torvalds said he received the original G1 Android phone when Google and T-Mobile launched it in 2008 but used it mostly for playing games such as Galaga and Solitaire on long flights.

Torvalds isn't the only high-tech luminary to become enamored of the device. Publisher Tim O'Reilly, whose Web 2.0 Summit is the hottest high-tech show that isn't the Consumer Electronics Show,enjoys many of the features.

But the Nexus One has its issues, particularly with regard to spotty or absent 3G service.

Some of this is attributed to T-Mobile, whose wireless network ranks fourth in the United States behind Verizon Wireless, AT&T and Sprint, and some of this is due to a software flaw Google moved to fix Feb. 2.

Mobile device expert Kevin Tofel, who blogged about a possible 3G remedy Jan. 19, said Feb. 6 that he is still having major 3G service issues.

eBook murah seharga Snack untuk orang-orang yang sibuk


Posted on : 1:38 PM | By : S Roestam | In : , ,

Siapakah dimasa kini yang punya waktu luang yang sangat sempit? Mungkin para pensiunan dan para asyakar yang tak berguna saja yang sehari-harinya antar jemput istri dan para cucu saja. Selebihnya adalah manusia-manusia yang serba sibuk untuk dapat sejenak membaca sebuah buku.

Melihat peluang bisnis ini, maka sebuah Penerbit FT Press, anak perusahaan Pearson, menerbitkan eBook yang dinamakan Elements dan Shorts, yang merupakan ringkasan buku-buku yang tebal, dengan harga dibawah US2.99 yang dapat dibaca melalui perangkat Kindle dan dapat di-download dari toko buku online seperti Amazon.com dan Barnes & Noble.

Elements dijual seharga US$1.99 yang berisikan ringkasan buku 1.000 sampai 2.000 kata dari buku-buku yang telah diterbitkan, sedangkan Shorts djual seharga US$2.99 berisikan ringkasan sebanyak 5.000 kata.

Berikut ini adalah berita lengkapnya:

Who has time to read a whole book anymore?

The FT Press, a unit of Pearson, has introduced two series of short, digital-only titles for professionals who want quick snippets of advice for $2.99 or less.

The publisher, through a new imprint named FT Press Delivers, has quietly begun selling what it is calling Elements and Shorts through the Kindle electronic bookstore onAmazon.com and Barnes & Noble’s e-bookstore. The Elements, which the publisher has priced at $1.99, are stripped-down, 1,000- to 2,000-word versions of already-published books, while the Shorts are newly written essays of about 5,000 words, priced at $2.99.

Titles include “Reengineering the Rules of Management,” by James Champy, the co-author, with Michael Hammer, of “Reengineering the Corporation,” one of the biggest business best sellers of the 1990s, and “Keeping It Honest, From Kitchen to Coca-Cola,” by Seth Goldman, co-founder and chief of Honest Tea, the maker of organic drinks.

Amazon.com is already discounting the prices of the Shorts to $2.39 and the Elements to $1.59. So far, Barnes & Noble has kept the publisher’s pricing.

“It’s a good idea to be able to provide people with shorter, more expedient, more time-sensitive” content, said Timothy C. Moore, publisher of the FT Press.

Mr. Moore said the company had already published 242 titles and planned to have 500 by the end of the year. For the Shorts, the company is working with New Word City, a digital publisher. Mr. Moore acknowledged that sales of the new short-form titles could cannibalize traditional book sales. But, he said, “other sources of information that aren’t books are already causing upheaval” in the book market.

Mr. Champy, a consultant, said demand for longer books had fallen. “There are people who only want to access pieces of what you write,” he said. “I don’t think they have an appetite for reading a long, serious business book.”

According to Mr. Goldman, FT Press is not paying advances to authors and is offering royalties equivalent to 20 percent of the publisher’s net proceeds from each sale. Mr. Moore declined to comment, saying that such details were proprietary.

Mr. Goldman said he hoped the new mini e-books were priced cheaply enough to lure readers. “There is size and substance to it, but it’s not a full meal,” Mr. Goldman said. “It’s a healthy lunch on the go as opposed to the seven-course meal.” MOTOKO RICH (NYT)

Regulator Inggris menaikkan Daya Pancar BTS 3G untuk perluasan jangkauan


Posted on : 2:06 AM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Regulator Telekomunikasi Inggris, Ofcom merencanakan untuk memperluas jangkauan jaringan 3G dengan menaikkan daya pancar BTS-nya 4x lipat atau menjadi 68 dBm dari sebelumnya yang sebesar 62 dBm.

Dampak dari kenaikan daya pancar ini adalah akan menimbulkan gangguan penerimaan pada perangkat-perangkat yang menggunakan frekwensi yang sama atau sangat berdekatan, seperti perangkan Wireles Camera, atau penerima satelit, dan juga kemungkinan kerusakan beberapa sel otak.

Namun Ofcom akan menetapkan kebijakan baru ini, walaupun akan memberikan dampak gangguan perangkat lainnya, karena penggunaan Wireless Camera ini masih terbatas di Inggris.

Alasan lain dari Regulator Inggris ini adalah contoh regulasi di Finland, Swedia, Jerman dan Prancis yang tidak menetapkan batas atas daya pancar BTS, namun ternyata tidak ada masalah yang penting.

Bagaimanakah bila daya pancar BTS di Indonesia juga dinaikkan. Tentu akan banyak masyarakat dan operator yang mendapat keuntungan, yaitu muta layanan 3G yang lebih baik di mata pelanggan, dan keuntungan yang meningkan yang akan dinikmati oleg para Operator.

Berikut rincian beritanya:

Ofcom is considering allowing UK's mobile operators to quadruple the power of their 3G transmissions, to improve coverage and maybe roast a few more brain cells.

The request came from Vodafone, but when Ofcom consulted the other operators they all wanted in, so now the regulator has published a consultation (pdf) with plans to increase the permitted broadcast power almost four times (from 62 to 68 on the logarithmic dBm scale).

Click here to find out more!

That's more than Vodafone, or anyone else, has asked for - existing kit can only kick out around 65dBm. But Ofcom doesn't want to be back here in a year when new kit comes out, so proposes setting the level higher. The regulator also notes that in some countries; notably Finland, Sweden, Germany and France, there are no limits at all, yet everyone seems to survive OK.

The main problem with upping the power is interfering with the neighbours, as some signal bleeding is inevitable. For 3G this means wireless cameras used by the Program Making & Special Events (PMSE) crowd on one side, and the Complementary Ground Component needed for satellite broadcast of mobile TV services on the other.

Given that there aren't any mobile satellite TV services yet, Ofcom deals with that by agreeing that, should anyone decide to build a mobile satellite broadcasting network, they too will be allowed to broadcast at 68dBm.

The PMSE crowd are used to getting a kicking from Ofcom, and this time the regulator reckons wireless cameras already suffer so much interference from 3G that this won't make much of a difference - noting that professionals already have to avoid specific bands when near a base station, so they'll just have to do the same from a little further away once the increased power is permitted.

Ofcom points out that technology has improved since the 3G licences were flogged off, enabling higher-power transmission without greater interference leaking into neighbouring bands. Indeed, the regulator makes the point that limits on out-of-band signals aren't being changed, and increasing the power will certainly enhance in-building penetration.

The decision hasn't yet been made though, and Ofcom is inviting responses, from "stakeholders", until the 19th of March. (sumber: The Register, UK)

Google Android mulai merambah pangsa pasar Smartphone


Posted on : 5:10 PM | By : S Roestam | In : ,

Google dengan Operating System Android mulai merambah pangsa pasar Smartphone yang yang didominasi oleh iPhone, BlackBerry, Nokia, Samsung, Ericsson dengan produk Smartphone terbarunya, yaitu Droid dan NexusOne.

Berbagai Google Apps juga telah disediakan, yang awalnya untuk pasar retail, namun dimasa depan akan merambah juga pasar Korporasi yang memilik kendali terpusat atas kelompok pengguna korporasi dengan sistem administrasi terpusat bagi para manager TI.

Berikut ini adalah rincian beritanya:

Google's new administrative tools are designed to securely manage e-mail and applications across mobile devices. And while Google maintains Android is currently a consumer device, a spokesperson tells Channel Insider that future versions will offer more functionality for IT managers.

Google has strengthened its Google Apps enterprise IT management capabilities by unveiling new administrative tools designed to securely manage e-mail and applications across a wide range of mobile devices, including iPhone, Nokia E Series and Windows Mobile devices.
The new tools allow Google Apps Premier and Education Edition administrators to manage enterprise smartphones directly from the Google Apps control panel, without having to deploy additional third-party mobile device management software offered by vendors like Sybase iAnywhere and Good Technology (formerly Visto).

IT administrators can lock down and remotely wipe data from lost or stolen mobile devices and establish more complex password administration protocols. Google Apps Premier business customers pay $50 per user per year, while educational institutions receive the service free.

Google Apps supports almost every device on the market today, including RIM BlackBerry with the introduction last year of its Connector for Blackberry Enterprise Servers. However, interestingly, Google has yet to produce enhanced security and mobile management support for RIM BlackBerry or even its own Android phones like the Droid and its recently unveiled Nexus One.

When it comes to entering the enterprise, Google’s moves, so far, appear deliberate and calculated. Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reported Google plans on launching an online business software store packed with third-party applications that seamlessly integrate with Google Apps, which may replace today’s Google Solutions Marketplace. Google would not confirm the plans, saying only, “We're constantly working with our partners to deliver more solutions to businesses, but we have nothing to announce at this time.”

The company also remains mum on when it will commit fully to an enterprise Android strategy. A Google spokesperson told Channel Insider, “To date, Android-powered phones have been targeted toward consumers. Future versions of Android will introduce more functionality for IT managers to deploy enterprise devices, which will be of particular interest to our Google Apps customers.”

Google’s silence is not stopping some business-to-business software developers and VARs from supporting Android, however. DataViz, the creator of Documents to Go and RoadSync, is experiencing substantial success in the Android Market, telling Channel Insider that it is close to reaching 500,000 downloads of its introductory version in the Android Marketplace. The company’s software also comes preloaded on RIM BlackBerrys, and supports Symbian-powered phones and iPhone. DataViz also offers an enterprise version of its software, complete with volume licensing. The company has a variety of resellers like CDW and Insight.

Good Technology, a provider of enterprise mobile security and device management software as well as mobile e-mail and collaboration software, recently announced its support for Android. Good faces an uphill battle as its offerings are slowly being challenged with the release of the ActiveSync protocol and bundled versions of mobile device management and security offerings by Microsoft and Google.

Enterprise mobile application and platform provider Antenna Software supports Android as well, and sees the growing pervasiveness of Android in the enterprise as key to its business.

“Overall, we believe very much that device diversity is a wonderful thing—people love choice, and the fact that Google is creating choice is great for the market. We see a good amount of interest and pull for Android from our customers,” says Jim Somers, Antenna’s chief marketing and strategy officer.

The mobile OS wars continue to provide sport and plenty of blood-letting for those interested, and the fun is only beginning. Apple and Microsoft are facing a massive threat with the increased adoption of Android and Google Apps. Apple CEO Steve Jobs thinks he knows what Google wants, telling employees recently, “Make no mistake, they want to kill the iPhone.” Jobs continued, using an expletive to describe Google’s “Don’t Be Evil mantra,” which the search giant quietly dropped last spring.

Time will tell, but if Google’s early 2010 moves are any indication, the mobile enterprise is set clearly in the company’s sights. (sumber: Channelinsider.com)

Managing K-12 & Higher Ed IT Systems Effectively


Posted on : 1:31 PM | By : S Roestam | In :

Silahkan membuka eBook tentang: "A Guide to IT Automation:Managing K-12 & Higher Ed IT Systems Effectively"

Semoga bermanfaat.